Community Groups

Longing for deeper relationships? Interested in meeting and getting to know more people in your neighborhood? Looking for a safe place you can ask questions about the Bible and study what it has to say about Jesus Christ and your life? Interested in finding a group of people that will pray for and with you? Desiring to serve your neighborhood in tangible ways with others? Our Community Groups and Missional Communities are where we seek to have these things happen.


While our congregation meets in downtown Chicago, our congregants live all over the city. And though we believe our Sunday gatherings are vital, we know that having strong community throughout the week is just as important. Because of this, we seek to connect people in their various neighborhoods (see map below) through our Community Groups and Missional Communities.


Geographically comprised, our community groups are smaller groups of people (6–15 people) that meet weekly for things like casual hangouts, meals, Bible studies, and prayer. All are welcome to visit any of our Community Groups.


Our Community Groups meet from September-May. Over the summer we transition to focusing more on men and women's ministry, along with church-wide events. 

If you are interested in getting involved in a Community Group (groups go from September-May), please fill out this form. If you have any questions, email